CETAL | Infrastructure | 3D Laser Lithography - Nanoscribe

3D Laser Lithography

3D Laser Lithography

Contact Person: Bogdan C?LIN
E-mail: bogdan.calin@inflpr.ro
Phone: 2423

System Components

  • Laser Source: Laser Toptica - 120 fs, 780 nm, 80 MHz, 120mW;
  • Zeiss inverted microscope;
  • Piezo stage: PIMars - 300x300x300 um3;
  • Translation stages - 100x100 mm2;
  • Samples holders for:
    22 x 22 mm2; 25 x 25 mm2; 45-76 x 19-26 mm2; 5" x 5";
    diam 30mm; diam 2"; diam 4"; diam 11-25.4 mm;
  • Microscope Camera: 1.4 Mega Pixels;
  • Microscope Objectives: 100x oil, 100x DiLL, 63x, 20x.


  • 2D lateral resolution: 250 nm;
  • 2D lateral feature size: 90 nm;
  • 3D lateral feature size: 150 nm;
  • Repeatability (coarse stage) < 1.5 um.


  • 3D printing by Two-Photon Polymerization - TPP;
  • Dip-in Laser Lithography (DiLL);
  • (SU8, Ormocers, IP-L, IP-Dip, etc.);
  • CAD import (STL files);
  • GWL files;
  • Automatic sample positioning;
  • Autofocus;
  • Tilt Correction;
  • PerfectShape corrections;

3D Laser Lithography is a Laser Direct-Writing (LDW) technique based on Two-Photon Polymerization (TPP) effect in photoresists.
Starting from a 3D CAD file (STL), by rapid prototyping algorithms fully three dimensional structures can be fabricated with submicrometer resolution.
A General Writing Language (GWL) script allows complex 3D designs and full control over the scanning path, laser exposure, automatic positioning and corrections.


  • Micro-optics
  • Photonic crystals and metamaterials
  • Scaffolds for tissue engineering
  • Micro-fluidics
  • 2D masks
[1] Florin Jipa, Marian Zamfirescu, Alin Velea, Mihai Popescu and Razvan Dabu (2013). "Femtosecond Laser Lithography in Organic and Non-Organic Materials", Chapter in:"Updates in Advanced Lithography", Prof. Sumio Hosaka (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-1175-7, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/56579. Available online at Intech.